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The UFC’s Successful PR Tactics During the Pandemic

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is one of the fastest growing sports in the industry currently. Through the pandemic the UFC transformed from targeting a niche sporting audience to becoming a mainstream sport, and an industry leader in PR tactics. So how was the UFC able to pull off this rapid increase in attention and revenue?

On May, 9th, 2020 The UFC hosted the first major United States sporting event since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. UFC President Dana White was unrelenting in his pursuit of bringing back sports during this global tragedy. He saw an opportunity with the lack of sports media during that time, and took advantage of the circumstances by continuing to host fight cards with extensive COVID protocols. As a result of this PR tactic, White and the UFC had the entire sports industry completely focused on their organization, as it was the only source of current sports media coverage.

White’s diligent efforts during the pandemic helped the UFC begin many major partnerships with Industry conglomerates. A few of the UFC’s current partners include: ESPN, Draft-Kings, Monster Energy, Modelo, and Harley-Davidson.

Although hosting events during a deficit in sports content was a huge factor in the organization’s industry growth, their PR strategies before and after this event are a major factor in what made their organization successful. The UFC has one of the best, if not most consistent PR teams in the industry, and their strengths shined during the pandemic, as they had the opportunity to not be outshined by larger sports organizations.

The UFC uses social media as one of their main PR tactics. Their Instagram has 28.9 million followers, their Twitter has 8.7 million followers, their Youtube has 12.3 million subscribers, and their Facebook has over 28 million page likes. So it’s safe to say that their social media has a pretty strong outreach.

The organization uses their social media to post content that advertises their fighters, upcoming fight cards, announcements, and incorporates advertisements into their content. They have an extremely consistent and engaging social media presence that effectively keeps fans coming back to their pages.

Arguably one of their most successful PR strategies is their utilization of “hype videos” for each fight card they are advertising. The purpose of these videos is to get fans excited enough about a fight card that they are willing to pay for it, especially in the cases of Pay-Per-View events.

The UFC targets their PR strategies to convince fans to invest in two financial avenues. First is to encourage fans to purchase an ESPN+ subscription. This subscription gives subscribers access to the weekly “Fight Night” cards for $6.99 a month. The second avenue is using their PR to encourage fans to purchase their Pay-Per-View events (having an ESPN+ subscription does provide a discount for these events, but you still need to pay a one time fee of $69.99).

Their PR tactics, and social media content to “hype” fights get fans so excited that they are willing to spend money to be able to watch different fighters each week. The promotion videos are not only fun and exciting to watch, they are extremely persuasive in convincing fans that this is a once in a lifetime event, and they can’t miss it. The use of their social media and “hype videos”, even before the pandemic, has allowed the organization to build its brand up to this point.

The UFC’s social media also allowed the organization to showcase the strengths of their event management team. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is not a sport like basketball, where teams have a season schedule that is predetermined months before they start playing. MMA matchmaking is ever changing, as schedules depend on injuries, weight-classes, wins/losses, championships, etc. Hosting an event during the pandemic was not an easy feat, but hosting weekly events, especially given the burden of constantly changing fighter schedules and availability, is even more unheard of. The UFC has been able to pull off incredible event management for years, the pandemic just gave them an opportunity to showcase their strengths with the sports industry’s full attention. They continue to set the standard for how effective and efficient organizations need to be with how they schedule and promote events.

Whether or not you believe the UFC hosting events during a global pandemic is ethical, the success of their PR strategies by finding opportunity during the rapid decline of sport content was business savvy. Their PR and event management teams had a chance to shine, and they definitely took full advantage of the opportunity.

Looking Back On A Challenging Year

As the Arcadia community looks back on one year of being fully online, it is important to hold onto silver linings. One year ago, April 5th, 2020, students and faculty were meant to return to campus to finish out the school year in person and what we once believed would be a two-week spring break, has turned into a year of hardship as we navigate living through the pandemic. 

Looking back on this year of online schooling can be quite sad and hard to comprehend, especially after believing that we would only be online for two weeks last April. Students should know that counseling with wonderful staff is available to all and can be very beneficial to reckoning with living as a college student through a pandemic. Counseling is currently available through phone and zoom sessions; to learn more, visit this link or call 215-572-2967. And if all goes according to plan, in person sessions will be offered next semester! 

Students have been frustrated, grief-stricken, and disappointed during this past year, but they have also been incredibly resilient, hard-working, and determined. Arcadia students have displayed incredible adaptability this past year, let’s take a look at some of their accomplishments:

  • 1853 Communications, Arcadia’s student-run Public Relations firm, just completed their first ever virtual campaign in partner with Donate Life to raise awareness about organ donation. 
  • Arcadia’s theatre department proved its adaptability by putting on its first ever virtual productions which were fantastic. 
  • Seniors have been working tirelessly and are finishing up their theses online with the assistance of our dedicated faculty and they’re looking great so far.

Last year, we watched as the class of 2020 graduated with a diploma in the mail and now we are gearing up to hold smaller, department-based, commencement ceremonies on our beloved Haber Green this May. 

As the Arcadia community plans for the upcoming academic year we are so excited to see everyone back on campus and to recreate campus life in a cautious, yet fun and interactive way. As we can see, one year can change a lot! With the vaccine rolling out and “more than 500 Arcadia community members received their first COVID vaccine dose, administered on campus by Rite Aid pharmacists on April 8 in the Great Room” to students and staff, hope is definitely on the horizon. 

Earth Day

Earth Day is drawing near! Thursday, April 22nd is a day dedicated to supporting environmental protection. More than 1 billion individuals celebrate this significant holiday, involving over 190+ countries. In schools around the nation, teachers will start the day by announcing the significance and history of Earth Day before diving into fun projects that celebrate environmentalism and sustainability. Here we will do the same, starting with a brief history of this holiday and including some at-home ways to help you become more sustainable in honor of Mother Earth!


According to, the first Earth Day was on April 22nd of 1970. Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin recognized the ignorance Americans had when it came to pollution. Americans were oblivious to the fact that they were “consuming vast amounts of leaded gas through massive and inefficient automobiles”. At the time there was an anti-war movement and Nelson decided to use that to push a teach-in day (April 22nd) about conservation on college campuses. This event quickly snowballed, capturing the attention of the media and the official name became Earth Day. It became so popular that also states that “Earth Day 1970 achieved a rare political alignment, enlisting support from Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, urban dwellers and farmers, business and labor leaders”. This sparked a revolution in environmentalist-focused laws around America and people began to celebrate Earth Day around the world in 1990. Now, it is a widely honored day that people take part in every year!

At-Home Sustainability

Below are some fun ways that YOU can celebrate being sustainable this Earth Day, as well as everyday of your life! Although it is important to note that the growing climate crisis is due to big corporations and their non-eco friendly practices, any small step an individual makes to grow towards sustainability gets a big hug from Mother Earth. 

  • Save! And! Reuse! Amazon! Boxes!!!!!
  • Upcycle your clothes! There is a whole community on TikTok dedicated to this!
  • Opt in for No Receipts when shopping, as it saves paper
  • Have an exact meal plan going to the grocery store, so you don’t end up wasting food
  • Grow your own herbs!
  • Take showers instead of baths, but still make them short! A standard shower head uses 2.5 gallons of water in a single minute- imagine it as gallons of milk wasted! 
  • Use reusable make up cloths
  • Cut up old t-shirts as rags instead of donating them, Goodwill throws a lot of donated items away
  • Keep plants in your home as a method of air purification!

St. Patrick’s Day and Public Relations

Questioning Origins of St. Patrick’s Day Themes

Leprechauns, rainbows, parades, and beer are now some key factors in the modern St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. As much as we spend every March 17 blindly celebrating the holiday with these themes, have you ever stopped to think where all of these St. Patrick’s day themes came from? By looking back at the holiday’s history, one can ultimately find that public relations are the culprit for turning the originally Irish-Catholic holiday into the drunk green parades we now know and love.

Looking Back at the creation of St Patrick’s Day 

St. Patrick’s day was first recognized by the Vatican in 1631 as those in Ireland had celebrated the “religious feast day that commemorates the death of St. Patrick,” the nation’s patron saint credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland, who died in the fifth century (Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise). “For most Irish people at home, the day remained primarily religious into the 20th century,” and did not even become “a public holiday in Ireland until 1904”.  

However, it was during this time in the 1900s that the holiday began to transform. During the 1920s – 1950s, the religious holiday was more somber with morning mass, a military parade, and closed bars. In the 1960s, the holiday began to become more exciting when celebratory parades began to replace the traditional military parades leading to the beginning of the annual St. Patrick’s Day Festival in 1966. The festival in Dublin, Ireland is more familiar to what we know now, including a “four-day event of music, treasure hunts, performances, and of course, on the day itself, a two-hour parade” that draws up to half a million people.

St. Patrick’s Day Traveling to the United States

Immigrants in the United States wanted to find a way to celebrate their pride “The first recorded celebrations of March 17 [in the United States] took place in Boston in 1737,” but it was not until 1766 when “the tradition of parading began amongst Irish Catholic members of the British Army in New York”. At the end of the civil war as more Irish immigrants came to the United States, and as the St. Patrick’s Day Festival began to surge in popularity in Ireland during the late 1960’s, Irish immigrants began to carry over their celebrations to the United States. This celebration was not only a tradition they carried from Ireland, but also a way to celebrate their culture as they were often stereotyped while in the United States. 

Public Relations Using Holiday for Profit

In the 20th century, marketing and public relations firms began to take advantage of the annual festival taking place in the United States. Companies’ event planners could plan out promotional events surrounding the annual festival. Some examples of this you might see today are parades, bar crawls, concerts, and game nights. Public relations workers took it even further and began to create season product lines involving anything that was the color green. Seasonal clothing, foods, drinks, and alcohol are all some of the ways that marketers began to use the holiday to their advantage for promotional purposes. The main marketing actions that solidify the event as a national holiday rather than a yearly festival are the greeting cards that began to become mass produced throughout the nation during March. Ultimately, the timing, unique colors, and entertaining events associated with Saint Patrick’s day on March 17 all tied perfectly together to create a joyous, cultural celebration just as the weather begins to become nicer out leading up to spring. 

The Strength of the Holiday

With the help of marketers and public relations professionals, St. Patrick’s day was able to stand the test of time on a national level. Beginning in the 1600s and a quiet religious holiday, festivals and marketers have transformed the holiday into the entertaining and joyous holiday we all know today. Although the original intent of public relations professionals may have been to profit off of the festivals, their actions lead to the continuous celebration of Ireland’s culture on a national level centuries after its origin in the 1600s.

All historical facts and statistics are outsourced from the “TIME” article “How America Invented St. Patrick’s Day” written by Zócalo Public Square on March 15, 2015. Zócalo Public Square is a magazine of ideas from Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise.

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Happy Women’s Day

Where there is an existence of a woman there is love, beauty, strength, change, magic and happiness. Here is a list of women we admire:
Kamala Harris is the United States’ first African American female vice president, the highest ranking female official in U.S. history.
Amanda Gorman is a poet and activist. Her focus is on the issues of
oppression, feminism, race and marginalization. She is only 23 and she is the first person to be named “National Youth Poet Laureate”. She delivered her poem “The Hill We Climb” at the inauguration of U.S president Joe Biden.
Malala Yousafzai is an education activist. She advocated and demanded that girls be allowed to receive an education.
Rosa Parks was an American activist in the civil rights movement. She is known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery bus boycott. She resisted bus segregation. Parks rejected bus driver James’s order to vacate a row of four seats in the colored section in favor of a white passenger, once the white section was filled.
Harriet Tubman is American abolitionist and political activist. She escaped and rescued approximately 70 enslaved people using the network of antislavery activists and a safe house known as the underground railroad.
Madam Cj Walker was an African American entrepreneur, philanthropist and social activist. She is the first female self-made millionaire in America. Walker made her fortune by developing and marketing a line of cosmetics and hair care products for black women through the business she founded “Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing company.”
Theresa Kachindamoto is known for her forceful action in dissolving child marriages and insisting on education for both girls and boys.
Ruby Bridges is an American civil rights activist. She was the first African American child to desegregate the all white William Frantz Elementary school in Louisiana during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis.
Kalpana Chawla was an American astronaut, engineer. The first woman of Indian descent to fly in space.
Katherine Johnson is the African American woman whose hand calculations successfully launched John Glenn into orbit in 1962.
Sonia Sotomoyar became the first latina supreme court justice in the U.S.
Mae Carol Jemison is an American engineer, physician, and former
NASA astronaut. She became the first black woman to travel into space when she served as a mission specialist aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour.

To these strong women, may we be them, may we know them, may we raise them.

If they can do it you can as well. As Dr. Mae Jemison said “ Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.Fearfully and wonderfully Follow your dreams.”

Black Female Pioneers of Yesterday and Today

Inez Kaiser
Inez Kaiser was born in a time where race kept her from fulfilling her need for higher education. Held back due to racial exclusion, Kaiser found solace in Pittsburg State University and studied education. Determined to expand her knowledge, she later earned a master’s degree from Columbia University and an honorary doctorate from Lincoln University. Kaiser led a
twenty-year teaching career in home economics while simultaneously publishing her column “Fashion-Wise and Otherwise” in black-owned newspapers spanning the United States. After an editor suggested she venture into unknown territory, Public Relations, Inez quickly took a liking
to the field and a few years later, birthed Inez Kaiser & Associates, the first African American female-owned public relations firm in the United States and the first black-owned business in Kansas City, Missouri. The firm found great success acquiring big-name clients such as 7Up, Sterling Drugs, and Sears. What seemed to be a risky career change led Inez down an exciting
and adventurous path. In her lifetime Kaiser became the first African- American woman to join the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, the first black women to join the Public Relations Society of America, a National Minority Advocate of the Year (1997), and a trusted
political advisor for minority women and business during the Nixon and Ford’s Presidential era. Laid to rest in 2016, at the age of 98, Inez Kaiser spent her life dismantling gender and racial barriers, cementing herself in history as an entrepreneur and civic leader.
Nepherterra Best
After working on a government affairs team and landing large accounts only to watch her supervisors land the check, Nepherterra wanted to reap the rewards of her hard work and build a name for herself. Award-winning PR professional and serial entrepreneur Nepherterra Best draws strength from her predecessors in her passion project, Dope Boss Mom Blog, and three successful businesses Pride Public Relations, Mosaic Communications, and NewsReleaseNow. Serving as the Chief Communications Officer and Co-Founder of Pride Public Relations, she and her partner have built the company into an award-winning African American women-owned PR
firm in Charlotte, North Carolina. Best’s primary goal is to expand her current companies to their fullest potential; it’s possible she’ll follow in Kaiser’s steps, one day returning to her political roots advocating on behalf of minority women and businesses. Although Best may seem settled
in her career path, this is just the beginning of her legacy. Leaders such as Inez Kaiser paved the way for black female entrepreneurs in 2021. Today’s entrepreneurs such as Nepherterra Best are continuing to make strides in the business community to make it more inclusive and welcoming towards black women. These two women and thousands of others like them are people who used their “limitations” to their advantage and battled against racism and sexism to create their unique paths and forever fasten themselves in history.

National Love Your Pet Day

National Love Your Pet Day is being celebrated on Saturday February 20th this year! Love Your Pet Day gives pet lovers an excuse to give extra love to their fur babies. This holiday was created to encourage pet owners to spoil their pets and focus on the relationship they have built with them. ​Here are some ways you can celebrate with your pet this year!

●Allow your pet to have a special treat

●Go for a long walk or adventure!

●Give them lots of attention

●Practice some of their favorite commands! (Sit, Rollover, Fetch, Etc.)

●Play with their favorite toy!

●Don’t forget to have lots of snuggle time!

The holiday also encourages pet owners to observe their animals’ environment. Here are some ways to go about this:

●Inspect their toys and make sure they’re safe to play with! Get rid of any broken toys that may have become hazardous.

●Check that their vaccinations are up to date. If not, schedule their next vet appointment.

●Give them a bath, brush their hair, brush their teeth, etc. Make sure they’re nice and clean!

●Wash their bedding, blankets, etc. Even if it’s not laundry day!

Remember this is their day to be pampered!Give your fur babies a hug for us! Happy snuggling!

Fun Virtual Activities to do with Friends

The one thing I have struggled with the most during the pandemic is maintaining my relationships with people I cannot spend in person time with. Just like most people, I have been stuck in a house with my family for the last couple of months. While I love my family and am used to spending a lot of time with them, seeing as I spent 18 year with them, but this is the first time I have not been able to spend time with anyone else. The short trips I take to the store does help a bit but with our masks covering our faces and at least six feet between us, it is hard to get any honest human connection that way. FaceTime and Zoom have kept human connection alive during a time it feels impossible for it to exist, yet talking to someone through a screen with no activities can get a bit old. I began to look for ways to spend time with my friends even though we have run out of things to talk about, especially since there is less to experience stuck in your house. Playing video games is the easiest thing to do virtually with the creation of gaming consoles, online gaming and digital platforms like Discord. Yet, it is not easy to spend thousands of dollars on a console, online gaming membership and the video games themselves.  Here are a couple of free/cheap activities you can do over the phone with someone you no longer get to spend in person time with.

1. Teleparty

Watching television shows and movies is probably the number one thing people spend time doing together. Of course, since the pandemic started we have all done our fair share of Netflix binging but it is always more enjoyable with company. I have found a browser extension that allows you to watch the same thing as your friends at the same exact time. You simply find the show or movie you want to watch, can be on Netflix, Disney, Hulu or HBO, click the Teleparty extension in the top right corner of your browser, copy the invitation link and send it to your watch partner. When your partner clicks the link, it will bring them into the Teleparty watch room where the show or movie will be synced perfectly. If one of you pauses or skips, the video will do the same for the other person. Amazon Prime Video has their own version of this on their website, but it only works for things on available on Prime Video.  JellyParty is just like Teleparty but it allows you to watch anything from anywhere together. So if there is something on YouTube you may want ti watch together, I would recommend JellyParty. But be warned that while all these extensions are wonderful, JellyParty can be finicky at times. 

2. Skribbl

Pictionary is a game that most people have probably played at least once in their life. Skribbl gives you the opportunity to play this with your friends even when they aren’t with you. For this to work, you will need to visit and create a room. After you have done that, you simply need to copy the invitation link and send it to however many people you would like to play with. Once they receive the link and click it, they will be transported into your created room. After that all thats left to do is press play!

3. Jackbox

This is a great website for someone who likes playing comical games with friends. It is a lot like Kahoot but with the raunchiness of Cards Against Humanity. There are multiple games to play on Jackbox and all of them are hilarious. Quiplash is a game to see which of your friends can come up with the funniest joke on the spot. Fibbage helps you figure out which of your friends is a horrible liar in a humorous way. And Drawful is a lot like skribbl but with a slight twist that results in hilarious drawings. Trivia Murder Party is a lot like Jeopardy, if Alex Trebek constantly made fun of you and and killed whoever lost.  All these games are available on JackBoxgames,com and all you need to do is pay less than $10 for any game you want, create a room and send the rooms code to your friends!

15 Items You Need in Your Home Office

If you are reading this post, then you probably are learning or working at home during this pandemic! Ever since the world shut down, people find it extremely hard to focus on their responsibilities within their home. Here are some things you need in your home office to make sure you stay on top of your work!!

1. Your Computer

You can’t have a home office without your computer! Try to put this in a well-lighted area for zoom meetings. A monitor is optional, but sometimes very helpful for students.


Make sure you are close to your router to avoid technical difficulties when working!

3. Desk

It’s super important to have a desk area where you can focus on your responsibilities. You need to be able to have an area that’s strictly for your work!

4. A Comfy Chair

You don’t want to be uncomfortable! You’re going to be spending a lot of time in it. So you want to make sure it’s good quality!

5. A Lamp

Lamps to help your lighting of course! This helps you when you’re staying up late to do your homework.

6. Surge Protector

It’s always helpful to have these around! There will be a million different cords to plug in, and this will help you have the space for them.

7. Printer

You may need to print out some assignments! If you are like me and save past assignments for your future, this comes in handy!

8. File Cabinet

For all of your assignments of course! Also a very simple and convenient way to stay organized.

9. Calendar

This can help you stay organized daily! Being home, sometimes we lose track of our assignments. This helps you stay on task!

10. Door

Make sure you can shut out everyone in your household! No distractions!

11. Healthy Snacks

It’s easy to grab something quick and easy. Make sure you have some healthy snacks in your office so you’re taking care of yourself!

12. Pictures

Surround yourself with pictures of your favorite people, places, pets, etc.

13. Headphones

These come in handy for those zoom calls!

14. White Board

Just in case you need to brainstorm ideas, write down goals, or reminders, etc.

15. Pens, Pencils, Notebooks!

Even though we’re all virtual, you can still take notes!!

I hope this is somewhat helpful to you and your new home-office! Good luck!

Searching for Event Alternatives in the Time of COVID-19

There’s not one person out there who hasn’t been impacted by this pandemic and one of the things we miss most are events. Any kind of event, whether it’s a movie night with friends, a work party, or an award show, perhaps, a coffee date or 21st birthday. Whatever is it, we’ve all missed something or have seen it get cancelled and the sinking feeling that you’ll never be able to go out again absolutely sucks. Soon Thanksgiving and Christmas will be the focus of holiday stress as people try and figure out how they can possibly bring some family and friends together. It’s not easy planning virtual events or finding ways to spend time socially distant, but I looked into some ways you might be able to make an event happen, while staying safe.

Here are some things to ask yourself as you try and find ways to bring people together;

  • Can you gather outside?
  • Is there an outdoor place either public or private that would allow your group the space to mingle while wearing masks?

When possible, holding events outdoors is a great way to allow people to see each other face to face without getting too close to each other. I noticed the sudden return to nature when lockdown began. When we were no longer required to attend our normal workspaces, we turned towards the pockets of nature in our communities. Green spaces sometimes feel more at home than buildings do, and taking care of these spaces is important too.

  • Make sure to always take all trash with you, leaving nothing behind.
  • Make sure to always have your mask on you because parks are likely to be busy. Consider making individual servings so you can share food and go for activities that don’t require close contact.
  • Even with precautions it’s a good idea to get tested if you end up gathering a large group.

In my local parks I’ve seen small birthday parties, group picnics where several couples/individuals set up their own blankets/chairs six feet apart, and even a lantern lighting ceremony. Being outside can make an event all the more aesthetic and can allow guests to feel more at ease than in a confined space.

My Science professor tells us he’ll be having his daughters over for thanksgiving and they’ll be utilizing both masks, face shields, and plexiglass, and while it will surely be a Thanksgiving to remember, he noted that he’d rather have the memories and the happiness of being around his family than nothing at all.

So it’s okay to feel conflicted about the Holidays this year, of course we want to draw joy and festivities from the holidays but as we enter winter, and Covid once again takes some turns for the worse, it’s worth it to make even the silliest accommodations in order to keep each other safe while spending time together.

  • Can the event be held virtually?
  • What adjustments need to be made for an event to happen virtually?
  • What does a successful virtual event look like?

Virtual events are tricky but when done right they can be a great alternative to an in person event.

Early in the pandemic, my family organized a zoom happy hour with my dad’s extended family. Happy hour on the beach is a favorite activity of ours so we hoped grabbing some drinks and sitting with our immediate family while on zoom with everyone would be a great idea.

However, there were a few things we didn’t really anticipate. For one, you can really only ever have one person speaking at once. Normally, there’s up to 20 of us all having various conversations, or playing a game, someones usually taking pictures, we eat, we drink, and it’s easy going. But in a virtual call, we found ourselves awkwardly trying to hold conversations with the whole group, only to hear three voices try and respond at once.

So, what can you do to make sure a virtual event doesn’t flop? PLAN.

A virtual event will need more planning because nothing can really happen simultaneously. Each activity, speaker, or conversation must happen one at a time, and without a cohesive plan, you’ll be left with a silent zoom call and people awkwardly logging off claiming wifi problems.

One really important aspect for an event is the ability to engage with others. Is there an activity or a conversation that allows everyone to be engaged and participate in the event. Putting people in small groups and having them compete is another way to promote participation. Competition is always helpful in getting people involved.

Promote Your Event!

If the goal of your event is to expand brand or business awareness, know how to promote your event through social media. Plan posts leading up to your event to spread awareness and let people know information about how to participate ahead of time so they can plan.

Even thinking of a small party favor that could be sent out in advance, or if promoting a service/product, offer a discount or a coupon towards purchases of your product.

But Remember…

Some things may just get cancelled this year, and that’s just one thing we all have to face. I think there is something unique about facing a Pandemic in these exact moments in our existence. It’s a shared experience on a truly global level and it’s not a pleasant one. However, some really brilliant and beautiful things have come from this year and it’s important to remember that this won’t last forever, and there will be a time to take out our dancing shoes again. Even if the world isn’t quite the same after this.

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